Friday, January 29, 2010

Coming next week... A look at some of literature's leading men!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Thought Today Was the Day

Today I thought it had finally happened! I thought all my hard work had finally paid off. He was standing there right next to me like he had something to say. I was hoping the words that came out of his mouth were, "I like you, would you be my girlfriend?" But no, he had nothing to say, he just walked away and my heart broke a little more. Why can't he see what he is doing to me? Each time he walks away my heart breaks into littler pieces.

What is a romantic to do?

I am a hopeless romantic. Always have been and always will be. I fill my Netflix queue with Romantic Comedies. I have two large stacks of NASCAR Romances on my bedside table, yet to read. Some days a good Harlequin is better then even a cup of coffee. Next to the books is a picture of Rhett Butler, my idea of the perfect man. I have read the Twilight Saga. Who knew vampires could be lovers? I have seen at least one version of all of Jane Austin's novels made into movies. I cried during Nights in Rodanthe and hated the book Dear John just because it didn't end the way I wanted it to. So how is this hopeless romantic still looking for her Mr. Right? Is it my old fashioned ways? (I believe the man should make the first move.) Or could it be my far less then perfect ten looks? Who knows, but until I find Mr. Right I have the Mr. Rights of literature to keep me happy. So starting next week I am going to take a look at the leading men of literature.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Young Lust

Last weekend I saw first hand today's young lust. Watching as a young girl watches the object of her affection from a fair as he works. Watching him clean off tables or seat new guests. It never changes. From age to age it is the same, girl sees boy, girl falls into lust, and boy has no clue what is going on. He is clueless to this game all female girls play. And it will be the same for ages to come. It is part of the female nature. Last weekend it was my almost seventeen year old cousin in lust at dinner. But a few years ago it would have been me, and in a few years it might be her younger sister. The funniest thing about the whole thing is a few years ago when it was me it was his older brother that I was in lust with and at the same restaurant.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Man's Heart and Food!

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well how to you get there if he won't eat the food you make and offer him? I tried and failed. He didn't even bat an eye at my peace offering or should I say love offering. Yes the cookies were not made special for him but they were homemade and I put a lot of love in them hoping he would taste them. Trying too hard didn't work so I was hoping his stomach would be my key. Nothing I do seems to work with him, maybe its time to move on. I hate to admit it but maybe he's not the one, maybe I have been hoping a praying for nothing. Maybe the one is still out there or maybe the one has already passed me by.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do we try too hard?

That's right, us women try too hard sometimes. How is it that every time, or at least almost every time, we find a guy attractive we try too hard to get his attention? We pull out no stops to make them notice us. We pluck, shave, wax, tan, and even make ourselves over. But for what? How many times do we get their attention? I have more luck getting him to talk to me in my baggy sweats then I do in my best jeans and makeup. Can't he see I'm doing all that for him? Like I really want to spend an extra 45 minutes in the bathroom. I want to be comfortable!
Well if that's the way its going to be, no more trying, time to just see what happens.